Selected Publications on the Holy and Great Council


J. Chryssavgis, Toward the Holy and Great Council: Retrieving a Culture of Conciliarity and Communion, Faith Matters Series, no. 1 (Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, New York NY, 2016)

S. Harakas, Something is Stirring in World Orthodoxy : an Introduction to the Forthcoming Great and Holy Council of the Orthodox Church (Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1978).

V. Ionită, Towards the Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church: The Decisions of the Pan-Orthodox Meetings since 1923 until 2009 (trans. R. Rus) (Studia Oecumenica Friburgensia 62, Fribourg Switzerland 2014) (=Hotărârile întrunirilor Panortodoxe din 1923 până în 2009. Spre Sfântul şi Marele Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe)

G. Matsoukas (ed), Orthodox Christianity at the Crossroad: A Great Council of the Church – When and Why? (Bloomington, Indiana, 2009)

T. Meimaris, The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church and the Ecumenical Movement (Thessalonika 2013)

N. Symeonides (ed), Toward the Holy and Great Council: Decisions and Texts, Faith Matters Series, no. 2 (Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, New York NY, 2016)

N. Symeonides (ed), Toward the Holy and Great Council: Theological Commentaries, Faith Matters Series, no. 3 (Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, New York NY, 2016)

D. Papandreou (ed), Towards the Great Council. Introductory Reports of the Interorthodox Commission in Preparation for the Next Great and Holy Council of the Orthodox Church (London 1972)

Archimandrite Vasileios, Apropos of the Great Council of the Orthodox Church (Montreal, 2016)

P. Viscuso, A Quest For Reform of the Orthodox Church: The 1923 Pan-Orthodox Congress, An Analysis and Translation of Its Acts and Decisions (Brookline, MA, 2007)